Don't you just love Christmas? Well - possibly not everyone gets in touch with their inner child in the way that we do. However, surely everyone can find at least something about Christmas that makes them smile as much as they find things that drive them mad?

Yes OK, the ever-smiling Noddy Holder blaring out from everywhere over and over and over again can be a tad annoying, the sickly children singing along on Christmas anthems is a bit cringe, the stress of balancing family and friends and the cost-oh my goodness the cost!!
BUT - The ever-building excitement, at a time of year that may otherwise be drab and grey. A time to love and be loved, to give and think of others - all so cliche - but sometimes in this modern world we need an excuse to stop, take a breath and think of others. The warmth of the log fires, warm sparkly decorations, woolly socks, mulled wine and hot mince pies.

I'm not sure why we don't have mince pies at other times of the year. I discovered a vegetarian mince pie recipe a few years back that has no added sugar and is
absolutely delish. Sprinkled with a little edible Glitter (i you can't bling it up at Christmas - when can you??).

They look as good as they taste and are a perfect, not too costly, gift. Make an extra batch and warm the heart as well as the stomach of someone special.

KATE'S HEALTHY MINCE PIES RECIPE (click to link to the recipe)
I also love the rich colour palette of winter in the clothes and the endless excuses to be sociable and dress up (loving the Lace Armed Knit below by Soya Concept!!).

Since the whole covid pandemic - things have changed so much and not least the 'dressing up and going out' scene. We at RAFT have noticed a massive change in the way people shop at this time of year, in particular with sparkly outfits seeming to be a thing of the past. These days discerning women are looking for something a little more understated rather than an ensemble that gets an airing just once or twice a year. Click on each picture for a link to the necklaces "blinging" up the gorgeous outfits below.
These are all Soya Concept outfits barring the Cream Vanessa Vest Top.
Find some really sparkly jewellery like Konplotts Swarovski crystal pieces to create more of a festive feel to your look. Click on the pics again to go to each specific piece.
Or check out some of our plated costume jewellery. Whether you're revamping old and or finding something new to lift your spirits - grab a little bit of something shiny to catch the light and put you in the party mood. So many gorgeous pieces of costume jewellery to choose from plus a great array in our solid silver collection at great prices.
As I sit here with my highlights processing in the swing chair at the hairdressers - I ask again (as I always do at this time of year) - "can I have some red streaks or something Christmassy?" And thankfully - the lovely staff assure me patiently again that this is maybe not the best route to go down. However this year - they had a little surprise that lightened my heart and made me want to clap with childlike glee - "why don't you try a little bit of sparkle?" they say - and "yes, yes, yes please" was my response. Tiny little strands of coloured Glittery Christmasness is now available to be added gently and without pain to your hair. It comes out naturally after a few weeks but for just £10 you can create that fabulous temporary lift in a subtly sparkly way.

Check out the link to see the sparkles in motion - link
More colours are available from multi-coloured, green, red, silver, gold, pink - whatever you fancy. Not wanting to go completely bonkers I chose a rich bronze colour that seemed to blend with my natural colour - but it made me walk with an extra bounce. Thank you Time Hairdressing in Newent!!
Go on - find your inner sparkle in whatever form that takes, have a wonderful festive period and Happy Christmas from us all at Raft to all of you. xxx